Many churches across Texas and elsewhere have been busy organizing back-to-school fairs for months in preparation for the upcoming school year. Clearly the need is overwhelming. Many children are dependent on the kindness of others for new uniforms, haircuts, backpacks and more to begin school. And yet I wonder what it would feel like if one of my children were in one of those lines. I’m sure I would be grateful. But I also wonder what it feels like to be in line.


So, I’m curious about what churches and other groups are doing to help empower parents as they do the best they can for their children. Several years ago I observed a group of parents who had organized donated backpacks. When the children came for their backpacks, they received the gift from one of the parents – not one of the project sponsors though I’m sure everyone was aware of the source of the gifts.


Thinking about what it feels like to receive such donations – especially in the context of school supplies or food items at a food pantry – moves us in the direction of cultural competency. Ministries that seek to be culturally competent in how they do what they do move beyond cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity to change their approach in serving. Something to think about…

Blessings to all who share resources – especially with children preparing for school this fall.

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