What in the world is Coffee Connexus? Coffee Connexus is a place for educators to collaborate virtually. During the pandemic last year, Literacy Connexus recognized the need for ESL volunteers, teachers, and professionals to still be able to collaborate and exchange ideas. Pairing the need for collaboration with many teachers love for coffee, Coffee Connexus was born. On the first Friday of every month we host an hour long Zoom call at noon where educators can discuss any and everything ESL. There is time to chat with other educators and professionals and exchange ideas as well as short information sessions on things related to our ESL students, programs, and classrooms. Some examples of past topics include: the new citizenship test, games and resources for Zoom classes, online platforms for teaching ESL, navigating the TCALL PD portal, and TEX Training and Ready for School with Literacy Connexus.
This is a great opportunity to learn and connect, enjoy a cup of coffee, and possibly win an Amazon gift card for new books (can you ever really have enough books?). Care to join us? Email us at info@literacyconnexus.org to sign up for our next Coffee Connexus session April 9th at noon. I hope to see you there!