As ESL teachers, International ministry workers, volunteers, and other English language literacy partners we spend a lot of time doing community outreach. Our goal is to reach out into our neighborhoods and communities and serve the people who have literacy needs. Watch this presentation on refugee community partnerships by Temesghen Asmeron from our May symposium Response 2 Refugees. Temesghen Asmeron is a Principal from Dallas ISD and was once a refugee himself. In his presentation he goes over two ways of Western thinking in regards to refugees that could be unintentionally problematic, and ways that ESL ministries and organizations can be effective allies and build strong partnerships with the refugee community. As we seek to be guides and mentors in our communities, and walk the path that our passion and faith have put us on, we must also be aware and careful not to let any of our own unintentional bias or misunderstandings put a damper on the work we are trying to do and the love we are trying to spread.

Let us know what you thought about the video in the comments! Or share your own experience with or as a refugee. What do you think the can help literacy organizations build strong community partnerships with the immigrant and refugee communities? Let us know at As always, blessings and happy teaching!