by Taynim | Apr 30, 2021 | Blog, Uncategorized, What's Your Story
Happy Friday everyone! We are back with the second story in our newest series What’s Your Story? This time we’ll hear a story from our own fearless leader here at Literacy Connexus, Lester Meriwether. “What is the Baptist Literacy Missions Center?” the...
by LiteracyConnexus | Sep 3, 2020 | Blog
Hang on! I know you are survivors. We can reach our ESL students this fall. Literacy Connexus is here to help you and your ministries. I sent out a registration form with a stamped envelope to our students giving options during this fall...
by LiteracyConnexus | Aug 18, 2020 | Blog
I know you long to start your ESL classes this fall and get back to “normal” (whatever that is!). I found a website: It is the Immigrant Learning Center website. Here are some suggestions about distance learning: 1) Phone calls 2) One on one visits 3)...
by LiteracyConnexus | May 29, 2020 | Blog
Here I am walking for a Cure for Cancer. We do this every October with some of our international students. As a team we enjoy walking together for this great cause. This brought to mind how Literacy Connexus desires to walk alongside you to reach our students. We have...
by LiteracyConnexus | May 11, 2020 | Blog
Who would have ever thought that we would be living like we have the past months?Is my picture the new norm???What does this mean for our ESL workshops and classes in the near future?Are these your questions?I believe this is a time to seize the moment and...