by Pam Moore | May 1, 2014 | 10 years, Fifty Ways, Literacy Connexus, Volunteers
The term “blog” is reminiscent of the intro to Star Trek when we’re reminded of stardates – fictional representations designed to disguise actual time of voyages “where no man has gone before.” I wish that I had begun a “blog” on May 1, 2004, when Literacy Connexus...
by Pam Moore | Sep 18, 2013 | Board of Directors, Book Bank, Books for the Border & Beyond, ESL Ministry, Literacy Connexus, Thank you
Saying thank you is important for anyone who receives a gift—especially a not-for-profit organization. More than just being polite, there are tax implications. So, thank you to all who support Literacy Connexus through your donations and other support. Some gifts are...
by Pam Moore | Sep 11, 2013 | Events, Literacy Connexus, Newsletter
Literacy Connexus is one of 96 ministries in Texas that receives funding through the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions. Last night, representatives from a half dozen Baptist churches in the Stephenville area gathered at the Greens Creek Baptist Church to...
by Pam Moore | Sep 4, 2013 | ESL Ministry, Literacy Connexus, Literacy Connexus News
On weeks alternating with the Literacy Connexus newsletter (as in this one) we’ll begin a series of blogs – “web logs” – related to the work of Literacy Connexus. Rather than reflecting on the universe at large or generally random topics, our goal...
by Pam Moore | Sep 21, 2012 | Church-and-School Partnerships, Literacy Connexus
Listen to our podcast on serving in schools as part of September’s Texas Baptist Opening Doors project. Lester and Caroline talk about following Christ onto the campus of Western Hills Primary, and offer suggestions for churches wanting to serve in this way....
by Pam Moore | Mar 7, 2012 | Literacy Connexus
Literacy Connexus is looking for a few good men or women. If you are familiar with our Newsletter, you know that we would love for you to join us in this ministry. We have three volunteer positions to fill, each allowing for flexibility of time and commitment....